Aviation, What Is The Origin of Inflation?

Does high prices cause inflation? Is inflation a result of greedy corporations, low unemployment, or high wages? What is the origin of inflation anyway? How can one protect themselves against inflation?

On Aviation™
6 min readSep 21, 2023
Photo by Yassine Khalfalli on Unsplash

Time and again in this newsletter we have warned about inflation. We have insisted for over two years now that inflation is here to stay for the remainder of this decade. Contrary to what we’re being told in the mainstream, on social media, and in academia, The origins of inflation within an economy have nothing to do with prices. In fact, an increase in prices is a symptom of inflation. Much as a decrease in prices is a symptom of deflation rather than deflation itself.

You may ask: Why are you so hell-bent on talking about inflation so much? We talk about inflation because it is a “hidden tax”, a tax you pay and everything you earn without knowing that you’re paying it. It is a devastating phenomenon that very few people understand. Yet, when we do feel the effects of inflation we tend to blame the symptoms of inflation for the cause itself, therefore, we attribute the problem of inflation to the wrong source(s).

On Aviation™ Note: Inflation is an increase in the money supply within an economy, without a commensurate increase in the amount of goods and services relative to the increase in the money supply.

If this definition of inflation is fully understood then we will see that wages, “greedy” corporations, low unemployment, house prices, or any other price for that matter are not the cause of inflation.

It is our hope that we within the aviation space gain a better understanding of what inflation is and what causes inflation. Those who understand inflation and its cause are better able to deal with inflation. Even though inflation is deleterious to virtually all within an economy, it is less so for those who know how to protect themselves against its effects.

On Aviation™ Note: High prices do not cause inflation. Therefore, corporations or high wages do not cause inflation. Let us be reminded that wages are prices — that companies pay. If high prices cause inflation then it would be as if one would say high prices cause high prices. You, our astute readers, know this is not logical.

In this week’s On Aviation™ full article, we share some insights into the origins of inflation, giving a deeper understanding of where inflation comes from and why we see inflation persisting today.

For additional readings on inflation and the aviation industry, please see also: ‘3 Ways Aviation Businesses Are Coping With Inflation’, ‘Inflation: Higher costs and their effects on Flight Schools’, ‘Inflation and Aviation’, ‘How The Aviation Industry Needs To Look At Inflation’, ‘Understanding Inflation’, ‘Money and Recessions.’, ‘Breaking Down Inflation.’ , ‘Inflation: Here we go again…’, ‘Stagflation: Should the Aviation Industry be Concerned?’ ‘Aviation: Producer and Consumer Prices’, ‘Aviation: Inflation, Again…’, ‘Aviation; Inflation ‘Slowed’, So Why Are Prices Still High?’, ‘Aviation: Inflation at ‘3%’. Time to Declare Victory?’, and ‘Aviation, Understand Real Inflation.

On August 16, 2023, the Federal Reserve expressed concern about the pace of inflation, saying future rate hikes could be necessary if conditions do not change. Currently, the federal funds target rate is between 5.25 and 5.50 percent, the highest level in more than twenty-two years.

Mainstream economists and journalists think about inflation in terms of consumer prices. To counter a general increase in prices, they believe, the central bank should raise interest rates, which supposedly weakens the demand for goods and services and slows the growth rate of the Consumer Price Index.

But is inflation, at its core, really about the prices of goods and services? Examining the origin of inflation is an essential first step toward answering this question.

The Essence of Inflation

Inflation may be better defined as embezzlement by means of increases in the money supply.

Historically, inflation occurred when a country’s ruler, such as a king, falsified the content of gold coins by mixing base metals into them and returning the diluted coins to the citizens. The ruler could now mint more coins and pocket the surplus for his own use. What was now passing as a pure gold coin was in fact a diluted gold coin

Through coin inflation, a ruler could exchange nothing for something. This strategy, however, exploited the resources of citizens: with more coins in circulation, prices had to increase in terms of coins.

Originally, paper money was not regarded as money but merely a representative of gold. Paper certificates were claims on gold stored in banks and could be converted into gold coins whenever necessary. But people found it convenient to exchange paper for goods and services, so the certificates came to be treated as money.

Accepting paper certificates as a medium of exchange opens the door to fraud. Banks may be tempted to boost profits by lending certificates not backed by gold. Such an inflation of receipts, without a corresponding increase in the supply of gold, can lead to a general increase in prices in terms of receipts. Like those who use counterfeit money, those who use unbacked receipts acquire goods without having contributed to the production of goods.

In the modern world, money, at least as a physical currency, is no longer gold but coins and notes; hence, inflation can be caused by an increase in the stock of coins and notes. Since the price of a good is the amount of money per unit of a good, it follows that an increase in the money supply will result in an increase in prices.

Increasing the money supply undermines wealth generation and encourages people to spend their savings by giving the illusion of a growing economy. When savings eventually stagnate or decline, the money supply, no matter how large, can no longer sustain this illusion.

The central bank increases the money supply whenever it buys assets and lends money to the government, or allows commercial banks, through the fractional reserve system, to lend out greater proportions of customer deposits.

Interest Rate Policy Falsifies Market Signals

In a free market, interest rate fluctuations mirror changes in consumer preferences toward present versus future consumption. If consumers lower their preferences for present consumption, market interest rates should decline. Conversely, if consumers raise their preferences for present consumption, market interest rates should increase.

Business owners watch for interest rate signals to decide when to allocate more resources for the future production of consumer goods. But if the central bank manipulates market interest rates, then it falsifies these instructions from consumers to businesses. As a result, businesses are not in line with consumer wishes, and profits are compromised.

Tight Interest Rate Policy versus the Closure of Monetary Loopholes

Tight interest rate policies restrain economic bubbles, which emerge from low interest rate policies that encourage banks to lend money not backed by savings. Easy money policies divert money from wealth generators toward speculative bubbles, while a tightening of the policy tends to arrest this trend and set an economic bust into motion. The greater the proportion of all economic activities that are bubbles, the larger the bust will be.

Leaving more wealth at the disposal of wealth generators is a good thing, but when the central bank raises interest rates, it tampers with financial markets and falsifies interest rate signals. This in turn raises the likelihood that businesses will misallocate resources, weakening wealth generation and contributing to the severity and length of an economic bust.

Contrast this with a policy that curbs the expansion of the money supply. This would keep wealth in the hands of wealth generators while encouraging them to save. The growth of savings would in turn likely mitigate any economic slump.

By thinking of inflation as an increase in prices, Fed policymakers attack the symptoms rather than the causes of inflation, thereby making things much worse. If, however, they were to think of inflation as an increase in the money supply, then to counter inflation would mean curbing that increase and, as a consequence, curbing the impoverishment of wealth generators.



Frank Shostak’s consulting firm, Applied Austrian School Economics, provides in-depth assessments of financial markets and global economies. Contact: email.


This article was published in the Mises Wire on September 13, 2023, with the title “Why the Fed’s Tight Rate Stance Damages the Economy”. The views expressed are the author’s, and do not constitute an endorsement by or necessarily represent the views of On Aviation™ or its affiliates.

Thank you for reading this week’s On Aviation™ full article. How does having a better understanding of inflation and its origins be beneficial to you? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Remember to check out our On Aviation™ Podcast and continue the conversation on our Twitter and Instagram.

Orlando — On Aviation™



On Aviation™
On Aviation™

Written by On Aviation™

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